Rapid City Safe Streets & Roads for All Safety Action Plan

Rapid City Safe Streets & Roads for All Safety Action Plan Skip to main content

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Plan Background

In 2023, Rapid City was awarded $160,000 to develop a Safety Action Plan as part of the U.S. Department of Transportation's Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant program.

This funding provides our community the opportunity to develop a plan that expands upon existing transportation goals and objectives to create a safer community with zero roadway deaths.

The Safety Action Plan will include a safety analysis of:

  • Severe Crash Events
  • Current Conditions
  • Road Users

The SS4A Safety Action Plan will utilize that data, along with future forecasted conditions, to develop a plan that will analyze the entire transportation system to identify high priority safety locations and provide recommendations to address issues at these locations. The recommendations will be prioritized into short-, mid- and long-term projects to create an implementation plan.

Plan Area Map

Rapid City is located in western South Dakota in Pennington County.

Plan Area Map
Click image to enlarge

Plan Schedule

Plan Area Map
Click image to enlarge

About the City of Rapid City Long Range Planning

The Long Range Planning Division oversees several long-range planning programs regarding the future growth and development of Rapid City, including the promotion, maintenance and updating of the City's Comprehensive Plan.

The Division also acts as the sponsor and administrator of the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), overseeing transportation planning for the Rapid City Area MPO. Other long-range planning programs and functions include neighborhood planning, growth analysis and projections, Future Land Use Plan amendments, and annexations. The Division provides staff support for the Metropolitan Planning Organization and Committees.

Partner Agencies

  • City of Rapid City
  • South Dakota Department of Transportation
  • Federal Highway Administration
  • Federal Transit Administration
Rapid City Safe Streets & Roads for All Safety Action Plan

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